19 - Day 4, Chapter 1 (AMITYL)

Step One - Feeling 

* How can I describe this feeling?

I am feeling pretty good right now. I had an idea this morning to write a letter to my past 'me', forgiving and accepting the decisions I made back then, as at the time I did what I felt was best for me, and even though now I know different, I shouldn't blame myself for what I didn't know.

* Am I sad, fearful or anxious?

Excited actually, I can't wait to see what this letter is going to turn out like. I might even publish it on this blogspot.

* Am I all three, and more?

I get the feeling it's going to free me of a lot of hang-up's I have about myself, and quieten my ego as I have finally let go of myself.

* Where do I feel this in my body?

In my chest, but it's light, like this feeling doesn't weigh very much and I am happy because of it.

* What does it feel like?

Satisfaction, closure.

* Is it raw?

No, it's new and it shines and it's comfortable.

* Does it have color?

Light yellow

* What shape is it?

Like a cloud

* Is it tight?

No, it's free flowing

* What is underneath it?


* Is there a word that is associated with it?

Forgiveness (I think I am racing ahead in chapter of the book here, but it feels like the right thing to do, and I am ok with that).

* A person?

Me, yesterday's me.

* A time?

The previous 27 years 

Step Two - Rethinking 

* What are are beliefs I have about myself that are holding me back?  

Writing a letter to my 'past me' wont make me feel any better about myself, nor my past actions. How do I know this to be truth? I haven't even done it yet? 
People will think I am stupid for doing so. The people that matter, don't mind, and the people that mind, don't matter. 

Step Three - Rethinking + Moving 

I am skipping the dancing today and I am going to spend time writing my letter. I was dancing in the car on the way to work thinking how beautiful today is, which is positive progress I am impressed with. 

Step Four - Receiving (Meditating/~ing Write) 

Guided meditation. 

Final thoughts: I am so happy at how my mood has changed in only a couple of days. I am learning to focus on today rather than yesterday or tomorrow. I am learning that I can show love to the people that love me and in doing so I feel better for it, rather than vulnerable like my ego kept portraying. I feel like if this is the positive result I am seeing at day 4 of chapter 1, then imagine what life is going to be like in 12 months when I finally finish! I am so excited to be doing this.

x x 

For more information on this please head to http://www.addmoreing.com/ and purchase the book "Add More ~ing To Your Life" written by Gabrielle Bernstein, or post a question below in comments and I will try to answer you as best I can. 

Thank you for reading.


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