18 - Heaven On Earth

I feel like I am achieving something here, like putting my thoughts down in words is going to get me somewhere, even if I don't know where that will be, I get the feeling that it will be good. It's self satisfaction; the type you get when you say you'll do something, and then follow through and actually stick to your word. That's what this blog is, my follow through. I have to be honest and say I am not always one to do that, or at least in the past. I often have an inspiring idea and a couple of days later I'm doubting it and filing it away under "unachievable". If I didn't know any better I would think I was scared of failure... or maybe it's scared of success? Either way; that fear needs to be addressed... in time. 

There are the exceptions. There is one idea I have had for a number of years now, that I do hope to achieve, and that's learning to surf. I have always dreamed of being a surfer girl. Getting up as dawn breaks and going for a run along the beach, finding the best waves, throwing my board on the roof of my car and spending a couple of hours at the beach before the day begins with some girlfriends and good waves. That's why I love the movie 'Blue Crush'. It's not the best acting, it's not the best script writing, nor is it a huge blockbuster action... even the story line has it's faults, but it's the dream, it's the lifestyle, it's the risk taken, the fear faced and the goal reached. That's why I am going to make surfing as one of my own goals to achieve, it's one of the longest running ideas I have had, and something I am sure about doing.

"You see things; and you say 'why?', but I dream things that never were; and I say 'why not?' - George Bernard Shaw

x x

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